Thousands of successful Pardons & Waivers each year.


For Your Pardon/Waiver:



1060 Sheppard Avenue West

Commercial Suite 107

Toronto, Canada, M3J 0G7

Pardons & Waivers in Halifax, NS


Call Toll Free: 1-888-890-1321

Pardons & Waivers in Halifax, NS

A Pardon Helps You Find Employment

People residing in Halifax, Nova Scotia that have a criminal record and have not been Pardoned, are experiencing several common problems that are hindering their lives. If you fall into this group of people, then perhaps the most deeply impacting hindrance you may be experiencing, is difficulty finding employment. Fortunately, a Canadian Pardon now known as a Record Suspension, is a legal process that helps Canadians clear their criminal record and the obstacles it brings.

Due to rising crime rates and security risks, company owners and hiring managers in Halifax, Nova Scotia are more frequently conducting criminal background checks on potential new employees. If you have had trouble with the police in the past, this can prevent you from finding work.

This may even be the case if you have all the qualifications for the job. Furthermore, even if you were charged but never found guilty, the mere fact that you were associated with criminal activity is now often enough to lose your current or new job. 

Your troubles finding employment may continue for as long as you have a criminal record. This can be frustrating and even devastating as it makes it very difficult to support yourself and your family.

This is why more and more residents of Nova Scotia are seeking professional help to take control of their situation. Call Dominion Pardons & Waivers for a free consultation to help determine the extent of your criminal record. We have a seasoned team of experts who can help you determine if you are eligible to clear your criminal record with a Pardon/Record Suspension, and all the details involved.


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A Pardon & Waiver Help You Travel

Residents of Nova Scotia with criminal records are also experiencing serious problems with travelling abroad. This is because your ability to pass a border clearance, or gain a travel/work permit depends on the nature of your criminal record. Many countries – especially the United States – will turn you away if you have one. If you need to leave Canada for a vacation, a health or family emergency, or for a business trip, your plans will most likely be thwarted.

If you are denied entry to the United States, you then require a valid U.S. Entry Waiver, which is another application not unlike a Pardon, but with additional fees.

Dominion Pardons & Waivers helps thousands of residents in Canada and Nova Scotia to clear their criminal records with a Pardon/Record Suspension, as well as gain unrestricted travel with a U.S. Entry Waiver.

Unfortunately, you may not qualify for a Canadian Pardon or U.S. Entry Waiver. Even if you do qualify, you can still be denied a Pardon or Waiver (by the Canadian Parole Board or U.S. Homeland Security) because of submitting a supbar or flawed application.

Working with Dominion Pardons & Waivers gives you peace of mind because you have an expert working on your case, that can use their experience of having successfully completed thousands of Pardon & Waiver applications, to make sure that if you do qualify for a Pardon or Waiver, that you will be approved.

Experience You Can Trust

When you hire Dominion Pardons & Waivers, you can feel at ease because you now have a seasoned, experienced team on your side:

Because our team has processed so many thousands of cases, we have successfully helped many individuals who were in a very similar situation to yours. This is important because The Parole Board of Canada and The Department of U.S. Homeland Security both look at each application individually, and situationally. Because we have prepared successful Pardon & Waiver applications for many individuals with your kind of situation, we know exactly how to prepare your application so that it is approved.

Your criminal record can impair your employment, travel, insurance rates, social life, and even child custody battles. These are crucial aspects of your life, and their future well-being should be left in the safe hands of experts you can trust.

Call us today for a free consultation to see whether or not you need a Canadian Pardon/Record Suspension or a U.S. Entry Waiver, and whether or not you qualify.


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Dominion Canada & U.S. Services

Thousands of successful Pardons & Waivers each year.

Call TOLL FREE 1-888-890-1321


1060 Sheppard Avenue West

Commercial Suite 107

Toronto, Canada, M3J 0G7

1-888-890-1321      416-477-2705



275 Madison Avenue, 14th Floor

New York, New York 10016 USA
