Thousands of successful Pardons & Waivers each year.


For Your Pardon/Waiver:



1060 Sheppard Avenue West

Commercial Suite 107

Toronto, Canada, M3J 0G7

Pardons & Waivers in Etobicoke, ON


Call Toll Free: 1-888-890-1321

Pardons & Waivers in Etobicoke, ON

A Pardon Helps With Employment

Do you live in Etobicoke, Ontario? Have you had the misfortune of being charged with and/or convicted of a criminal offence?  If so, then you may be feeling the negative effects that a criminal record has on your life.  One major problem you may be experiencing, is difficulty finding employment. Were you aware that there is a legal service that can remove your criminal record and the problems it brings? It’s called a Canadian Pardon, also known as a Criminal Record Suspension.

Employers, hiring managers and business owners in Etobicoke Ontario are all performing criminal background checks more often when hiring new employees. Some are even starting to conduct background searches on all their existing employees. This means if you have a criminal record, you may not be getting the employment opportunities you are qualified for, and you may have already lost your current job as well.

Furthermore, even if you were never found guilty of a crime, the fact that you were charged may still prevent you from landing a rewarding job. This is because more and more employers will only hire candidates with no prior run-ins with the police at all.

Like many Ontario residents we help, you may be in the frustrating situation of having lost your job to a less qualified candidate because of your criminal record.

This is why more and more Ontario residents are using professional legal services to help determine the extent of their criminal record and what can be done about it.


What are you looking for?

Your Criminal Record & Travelling

Another hindrance you may be experiencing as a result of your criminal record, is difficulty travelling abroad. Your criminal record immediately gives any border official the right to deny you entry into another country – especially the United States. This can happen both at airports or vehicle border crossings. In either case you may be arrested, interrogated, and fingerprinted, at which point your criminal record is entered into that country’s database.

This can be especially concerning if you require consistent travel for business or family and medical emergencies. Furthermore it can be quite shameful if it happens in front of your colleagues on a business trip, or family and friends during a vacation.

Once you are denied, you will need to apply for a U.S. Entry Waiver, or a specific kind of visa in order to be able to travel to that particular country.  This is why applying for a Pardon in Canada before travelling may help you avoid such circumstances.

Dominion Pardons & Waivers helps residents in Ontario and the rest of Canada to clear their criminal records with a Pardon /Record Suspension, as well as regain unrestricted travel with a U.S. Entry Waiver or visa.


Not all individuals can qualify for a Canadian Pardon or U.S. Entry Waiver. In many cases, individuals that do in fact qualify, can still be denied due to errors that have been made when preparing their application. When you hire Dominion Pardons & Waivers, you get peace of mind because you know that an experienced professional is using their expertise to prevent any and all novice errors:

Experience You Can Trust

The advantage of hiring the professional team at Dominion, is that our experts specialize in Canadian Pardons and U.S. Entry Waivers. We know exactly what the Parole Board of Canada and U.S. Department of Homeland Security want to see in order to approve your application.

The reason you have this advantage when you work with us, is that we have successfully processed so many thousands of Pardons and Waivers that we have repeatedly seen most situations you can imagine. 

What this means for you, is that we have successfully helped many individuals in a very similar criminal/legal situation to yours. We can leverage this knowledge and experience to prepare your application in a way that we know will be approved by The Parole Board of Canada or U.S. Homeland Security.

A criminal record can negatively impact your employment opportunities, international travel, social life, insurance rates, and even child custody battles. Dominion Pardons & Waivers gives you the best possible chances of receiving your Pardon and/or Waiver, where you otherwise may be denied.

Call us today for a free consultation to see whether or not you need a Canadian Pardon/Record Suspension or a U.S. Entry Waiver, and whether or not you qualify.


What are you looking for?



Dominion Canada & U.S. Services

Thousands of successful Pardons & Waivers each year.

Call TOLL FREE 1-888-890-1321


1060 Sheppard Avenue West

Commercial Suite 107

Toronto, Canada, M3J 0G7

1-888-890-1321      416-477-2705



275 Madison Avenue, 14th Floor

New York, New York 10016 USA
