Thousands of successful Pardons & Waivers each year.


For Your Pardon/Waiver:



1060 Sheppard Avenue West

Commercial Suite 107

Toronto, Canada, M3J 0G7

Pardons & Waivers in Edmonton, AB


Call Toll Free: 1-888-890-1321

Pardons & Waivers in Edmonton, AB

Your Criminal Record & Employment

If you’ve been charged with a crime or worse, convicted and found guilty, and you live in Edmonton Alberta, you could be facing serious problems. One critical issue is  your innability to secure employment. This can make it near impossible to support yourself and your loved ones. Fortunately, there is a legal procedure that can help remove this obstacle in your life.

Employers in Edmonton Alberta are performing criminal background checks much more frequently on potential candidates. In fact it has now become common practice. This makes it very challenging for you to find a job if you have a criminal record.

In many cases this even leads to highly qualified individuals not receiving the position they applied for because of a criminal conviction. In other situations, even if you were never found guilty of the crime you were charged with, the mere charge itself can still result in missing out on the job. This can still prevent you from landing a rewarding job because many employers expect to see absolutely no criminal involvement with the police.

Like many of the thousands of people we help, you may have even lost your current job to a less qualified individual because of a recently failed background search. This can be both shameful and devastating, especially considering that it may now be more difficult to find a new job.

This is why more and more Albertans are taking the right steps to find out the extent of their criminal record, and have it removed as an obstacle for finding work.


What are you looking for?

Your Criminal Record & Travelling

Another major problem affecting Albertans who have criminal records  is a restriction on their international travel.  If you need to travel outside of Canada for leisure, business or even a family/health emergency, your criminal record will most likely cause serious problems and hold you back. This is because your ability to pass a border security check is heavily dependent on whether or not you have a criminal record. More and more countries – especially the United States – will now deny you entry because of your criminal record.

In the process, you will most likely be arrested, questioned, and fingerprinted so that this information can be entered into the country’s own criminal database. At this point, if you want to travel internationally,  you will face additional expenses and paperwork for attaining a U.S. Entry Waiver or some kind of travel visa.

Dominion Pardons & Waivers helps residents of Edmonton Alberta to clear their criminal record with a Pardon /Record Suspension, as well as gain unrestricted travel with a U.S. Entry Waiver or visa.

Unfortunately, you may not be legally qualified to receive a Canadian Pardon or U.S. Entry Permit. Furthermore, even if you are in fact qualified, you still run the risk of being denied because of errors that have been made in your application. This is why working with Dominion Pardons & Waivers gives you peace of mind: You know that an experienced professional can help you not only determine your eligbility, but take the exact measures needed to ensure your application is approved.

Experience You Can Trust

Once you have started the process with Dominion Pardons & Waivers, you can rest assured that you have a seasoned, experienced team on your side, that knows exactly how to handle your specific case:

Because we have helped so many thousands of individuals to obtain a Canadian Pardon or U.S. Entry Waiver, we have dealt with countless cases that are very similar to yours. This means that we are able to leverage our knowledge of how an application for a person with your exact situation and criminal record, needs to be prepared.  This is critical because the Parole Board of Canada and U.S. Homeland Security look at each application on an individual basis, and we now know exactly what kind of criteria they are looking for.

Working with Dominion truly does give you the best chances of receiving a Pardon and/or Waiver, where you otherwise may be denied. A criminal record can negatively impact your employment, travel, insurance rates, extracurricular activities, and even child custody battles.

Call us today for a free consultation to see whether or not you need a Canadian Pardon/Record Suspension or a U.S. Entry Waiver, and whether or not you qualify.


What are you looking for?



Dominion Canada & U.S. Services

Thousands of successful Pardons & Waivers each year.

Call TOLL FREE 1-888-890-1321


1060 Sheppard Avenue West

Commercial Suite 107

Toronto, Canada, M3J 0G7

1-888-890-1321      416-477-2705



275 Madison Avenue, 14th Floor

New York, New York 10016 USA
